One of the greatest tips of all time (yep, we said it!) as it pertains to building confidence, is making AND KEEPING small commitments or promises to yourself on a daily basis. From committing (or promising to yourself) to drink 8 glasses of water, to bigger things.. bottom line is that keeping promises to yourself on a habitual basis (read: daily), will contribute greatly to your overall self confidence.
The act of making a goal and keeping it, is what fortifies your confidence, it makes you feel incredible, and when you’re on a roll… you’re on a roll!
That’s one of the goals of our monthly WELLNESS Challenges that we’re doing. That, and trying to insert feel-good / think-good / look-good nuggets into your hectic schedule. We know you have a lot going on, and support you in everything you do. But burn-out is a real thing, and most of us are great at caring for others, not as great at carrying for ourselves. Which is why VREA is here to help care for you. Mind, body and spirit. We love you, and hope you'll enjoy February’s daily (& easy don’t worry) challenges.
Print this calendar & put it on your fridge – when it’s “in your face” believe me, you’ll be more likely to see it, get reminded of this amazing goal we have together and most importantly – DO the challenges.
Happy February!